Paths for Personal Growth Through the Hebrew Letters LEVELS OF UNDERSTANDING ---- PaRDeS 1. WHAT position am I in? Where are the parts of my body [guf] when I make this shape? Physical level -- World of Asiyah (Action) -- P'shat (Simple perception) 2. HOW do I feel [regesh] in this shape? What does this shape feel like? Emotional level -- World of Yetzirah (Formation) -- Remez (Hint, deductive perception) 3. WHY am I in this shape? What does this shape help me to know [da'at]? What does this shape remind me of? What do I learn about this shape when I am in this position? Intellectual level -- World of Beriyah (Creation) -- D'rush (Search, inductive perception) 4. WHO am I in this shape? What is the intention of being [havayah] in this shape? What is the essence of this shape? Its "wholeness"? Its unity? Its soul? Spiritual level, essence level -- World of Atzilut (Nearness) -- Sod (Secret perception, comprehension of the mystery) |